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Sunnyvale ISD

Strategic Planning

"At Sunnyvale ISD, we are proud to partner with our outstanding community," Superintendent Doug Williams said. "We consider the strength of this partnership one of the most valuable assets we have in the education of our children."

Vision for the Future


Last spring, as a proactive blueprint for SISD’s future, the Board of Trustees established a Strategic Planning Team. This team, made up of a diverse group of community members, town leaders, teachers, and administrators, was charged with setting goals and priorities for the next three to five years for SISD.

With a goal of outlining a collective vision for SISD, board members and administrators sought to involve parents, community members, and staff members throughout the entire Strategic Planning process,

- Dr. Christi Morgan, Assistant Superintendent



The Mission:


The mission of Sunnyvale ISD is to engage, equip, and empower all learners for life-long success.

Our Beliefs

  • Building relationships, promoting risk-taking, and inspiring learners of all ages and abilities encourages success

  • Setting high expectations and providing diverse, meaningful learning opportunities supports student growth

  • Educating independent learners, collaborative problem solvers, innovative thinkers, engaged citizens and effective communicators prepares students for their future

  • Meeting the needs of all students and staff – academic, physical, social and emotional – promotes wellness and resilience

  • Responsible fiscal planning and management enables us to provide safe, innovative learning environments for students, staff, and our community

  • Strong community involvement and school pride fosters the success of our Raider family – four campuses, one school



The Timeline


Strategic Planning Team

“The true benefit of the action teams was the diversity of each team, both in make up and in opinion,’ Assistant Superintendent Dr. Christi Morgan said. “The rich background of our teams allowed us to gain insight from our community and reach a fuller consensus on next steps for SISD.”


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