Innovation & Future-Readiness

Objective: Create, foster and encourage an environment that empowers students and staff to reach their full potential through innovative practices.

Strategies & ACTION PLANS

  • Reframe the perceptions of success by focusing on the process, not the product.

    • Encourage innovative teaching/grading practices at all levels (i.e. flipped classroom, ELU, etc.) and share successes.

    • Provide Instructional Support and Resources to all teachers.

    • Develop a process for student goal setting at all levels.

  • Tailor learning to the individual learner within the context of teamwork and collaboration.

    • Utilize a multifaceted rubric that includes the following: content, soft skills, collaboration, individual learning goals, team product and reflection.

    • Provide quality resources for teachers to convey content effectively to a variety of learning styles when facilitating group activities.

    • Promote extracurricular/co-curricular activities that support teamwork and collaboration.